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Improving the Diagnosis, Management and Research in Rare and Genetic Disease

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The Vision

An AI assistant built by physicians for physicians for Rare and Genetic Disease at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere

Enabling Precision Medicine, not just for Rare and Genetic Disease

Transforming Clinical Practice by utilizing existing and AI powered research to save lives

Current Updates

Our platform will available as an EMR integrated app as well as a standalone online source.
Stay tuned!
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The Vision

A clinical decision making app that reduces diagnostic delays and improves care and therapeutic management for patients with Rare and Genetic Disease. An automated app integrated in the EMR that reduces physicians’ work burden outside of clinical hours and reduces patient wait times.

A platform that can lead to new developments and discoveries in the Rare and Genetic Disease space.

Current Updates

Our platform will available as an EMR integrated app as well as a standalone online source.
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About Us

Rare disease is not that rare: Your chances of getting any one of them is 1/10, the same risk as getting Diabetes.
Over 500 Million people are affected by a rare or genetic disease worldwide, half of them are children, and 30% of them will die within the first 5 years of their life due to their disease.
On average, it takes 12-15 years from onset of symptoms to be diagnosed with one of the >10,000 currently known rare and genetic diseases, much longer for patients who reside in rural and underserved communities. Inability to access spcialty care leads to a diagnostic and therapeutic delay, causing preventable secondary comorbidities and earlier, much higher mortality rates (yes, even in Europe!).
Lack of early recognition, intervention and appropriate long term management places a significant burden on the healthcare system; Over half the direct medical cost in the US is generated by patients with a rare or genetic disease, even though they only represent a fraction of the total patient population.
Our project zebraMD aims to provide evidence based specialty care anywhere, right at the point of care, no matter the patient's zip code, while utilizing longitudinal clinical data models to help find new therapies for rare and genetic disease.

Currently building the beta tester

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Los Angeles, California
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Los Angeles, California
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