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Disease found:ADCY5-Related Dyskinesia
Current as of:October 8, 2024
Disease Overview:A neurologic disorder with a variety of movement abnormalities. [more info]
Signs and Symptoms:Episodes of abnormal, uncontrolled movements especially affecting the arms and legs, face, or neck. [more info]
Diagnosis:Identification of characteristic symptoms, a detailed patient and family history, a thorough clinical evaluation and a variety of specialized tests. There are no published guidelines for diagnosis. [more info]
Treatment:Directed toward the specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual and may require the coordinated efforts of a team of specialists. [more info]
Clinical Management:Directed toward the specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual and may require the coordinated efforts of a team of specialists. [more info]
Referral:None currently available. [more info]. Referral to Medical Genetics Department, if available. Initial virtual care is also available through organizations like TeleRare Health.
Clinical Trials:None currently available. [more info]

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