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Disease found:Urticaria (Papular)
Current as of:October 8, 2024
Disease Overview:Papular urticaria causes many papules that appear intermittently, triggered by allergic reactions to insects, drug sensitivity, or environmental causes. [more info]
Signs and Symptoms:Itching, elevated wheals, erythema, and edema. Hives may develop into fluid-filled bullae that can burst and cause infection.
Diagnosis:Clinical evaluation of physical symptoms and thorough history taking to identify source of sensitivity.
Treatment:Self-limited, subsides in 1-7 days. Topical soothing agents such as calamine lotion or oral antihistamines. Corticosteroids used for severe reactions, especially with angioedema.
Clinical Management:Prevent symptoms by avoiding symptom triggers such as drugs and environmental factors.
Referral:Allergists and immunologists work with primary care providers to educate and manage patients.Referral to Medical Genetics Department, if available. Initial virtual care is also available through organizations like TeleRare Health.
Clinical Trials:None are available, but can sign up to be notified when one becomes available

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